The Waiting

Right before we start a warning, this is a rant, so far no new info to share about the implant still waiting for my op (14th July) the switch on a month after and getting my hands on the actual equipment pack which should be the next thing actually, should be available for me to pick up in the next few weeks, hell I might even do some sort of post about it, speaking to other implant recipients suggests that I might need a wheelbarrow to get it all home! So it’s a lot of kit, I can see the tech geek in me geeking out about it.
But that’s not the point of this post. The point is the waiting, waiting for something to happen. It’s driving me loco. I know it’s all coming but every time somebody talks to me, every time I try to listen to the TV, or a game, or even some music (base stuff is not out of bounds at the moment, just don’t ask me what they are singing, they could be singing a recipe for cake and I would have no bloody idea). It’s all a reminder that “This is going to be better/easier when I’ve learnt to use the implant fully” it’s maddening.
So if I’m distant, frustrated, irritable, testy, pissed off or just downright unsociable it’s not you its me!
My time is now, so why won’t it bloody get here already!

3 thoughts on “The Waiting

  1. Deanna Liberty July 9, 2015 / 8:20 pm

    I completely understand…… There is nothing that will help except passing the time, honestly. I figured out from this post that you must have been a hearing person before, I was too, I lost my hearing suddenly one day for no apparent reason. I now have panic attacks about so many things because of the experience but, I’m so grateful for my implant and the good days definitely outnumber the bad. It gets better I promise! P.S. believe it or not I’m now a food server waiting tables at a restaurant, thanks to my N6!


    • itchsteruk July 9, 2015 / 8:30 pm

      Yeah I was hearing before, started losing it during my teens but the last year or two its gone worse to the point that even the most simple of words are just hard to catch. So hoping eventually it will be a benefit to me!

      Liked by 1 person

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