Hospital Appointment – Decision clinic

So this past Wednesday was the big day, the day I find out if I was viable for implantation. Went to the hospital after moving through 3 waiting rooms I waited more, and a little bit more, and then some more! It was past my appointment time, I could not take the waiting any more, it was torture. Then we found out that they were in a meeting… After what felt like an age (in reality it was probably something like 15 min) we got called in. 

The consultant quickly went through the results of the testing (nothing abnormal) then told me his recommendation:

They though I would benefit from a cochlear implant and did I want to go ahead?

Don’t think I’ve said yes quicker ever in my entire life! Then he asked my mom (who insisted on coming along) some questions about the family history I think, not sure I gave up trying to follow the conversation after a while. I signed a consent form then it was back to the waiting room for a pre screening for the operation. 

Had to fill out another questionnaire about my health (general stuff including if you have ever had a reaction to anaesthetic). The pre screening itself was like a health check up, they gave me a meningitis shot, took my blood pressure then she wanted swabs, one from my nose, one from my mouth and one from a place I’m not sure I should mention, let’s just say it involved taking my clothes off (in private!) and leave it at that eh? It’s all for testing for MRSA and other nasty things I could apparently be carrying. After checking my weight and giving me a heads up about what to expect after the op in regards to healing and so on (I can’t wash my hair for a week!) they took me to be weighed and then that’s it. 

Just waiting for the appointment for surgery now, could be any time in the next 3 months.